Research Outline

Online Instructor Led Classes Research


To understand the percentage of people taking live instructor-led classes online. An ideal response would include the topics of these classes, the percentage numbers (hypothetically, fitness: 33%, cooking: 23%, education: 40%), the most common 3-4 reasons why people prefer live instructor-led online classes over in-person classes, and where people find the instructors (hypothetically Craigslist, Facebook Groups, online forums).

Early Findings

  • In 2019, 59% of learning and development pros spend more of their budget on online training than they did three years ago. Over a third of them also spend less on in person instructor-led training (ILT).
  • Online training is as effective as face-to-face training for learning a specific medical interpretation procedure.
  • People who take online classes want to self-pace their learning in their spare time at work. You can’t do that with in-person training.
  • Figures from an Open University study suggest that e-learning cuts energy consumption by 90% and slashes CO2 by more than 85%.
  • “Less than 18% of corporate e-learning courses are on topics specifically related to an eLearner's job. Only 23% of corporate learning organizations target their programs to external customers. Only 13% of corporate learning organizations target their programs to suppliers.”
  • The Research Institute of America reports that learning retention rates improve from 8 to 10 percent for face-to-face training to 25 to 60 percent for e-learning.
  • According to this source, the top five advantages of e-learning are saves time and money, better retention, consistency, scalability, and personalization.
  • Some research shows that on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online compared to only 8-10% in a classroom.
  • The most popular way to find online workouts is through social media profiles or websites of local gyms and fitness studios. Sixty-three percent of those who are doing live stream workouts and 53% who are doing pre-recorded workouts found them through a local studio’s website or social media.
  • Video fitness is far from a replacement; only 5% say they’d decrease or discontinue their previous exercise routines and rely solely on video instead.
  • Thirty-five percent of people report having worked out with a friend or family member in person, 32% with a remote group, and 14% with a family member or friend remotely.

Summary Of Our Early Findings Relevant To The Goals

  • There is no publicly available data that can fully answer any of the questions posed. Specifically, there is no publicly available data that provides the percentage of people take live instructor-led classes online. This is because the data does not differentiate between live e-learning and e-learning that is done without a live instructor.
  • There is no publicly available data surrounding the topics that are most popular for live instructor led classes. Again, this is because the data does not differentiate between live e-learning and e-learning that is done without a live instructor.
  • Based on these facts, we have pivoted the research scopings. Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.