Research Outline

Online Training Market: Non-profits


To determine the size of the online training market for non-profits in the U.S. and India in terms of the total amount spent each year.

Early Findings

The size of the global massive open online course (MOOC) market is estimated to be $5.16 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a constant CAGR of 32.09% to hit $25.33 billion by 2025.

The US Online Learning Market

  • The U.S. online learning market is projected to grow by $12.81 billion between 2020 and 2024.
  • There is a growing importance of online learning in the U.S. as 52% of American graduates and 39% of undergraduates consider online learning to be better than classroom learning.
  • Self-paced online learning is estimated to worth $15.86 billion in 2021.

The Indian Online Learning Market

  • The Indian online learning market is expected to hit $1.96 billion in 2021.
  • The online learning space in India will have 9.5 million users in 2021.

Summary of Findings

  • A preliminary search did not find the size of the online training market for non-profits in the U.S. and India in terms of the total amount spent each year.
  • We could only find, for the U.S., the average budget, average spend, and the average number of hours non-profits spend on online training in the U.S.
  • While we found the size of the online learning market for both countries, expressed in terms of the overall size of the market rather than the total amount spent per year, providing a breakdown of these markets to determine the share of non-profits proved impossible due to the unavailability of relevant reports on the public domain.
  • However, we can devote further hours of research to attempt to triangulate the size of these markets if possible. Approving the first Propose Next Step with a comment to dig deeper for anything we can find will prompt the team to attempt other triangulation approaches.