Research Outline

Addressable TV Advertising Market Competition Analysis


To understand the current and future addressable TV advertising market and the market position and achievement of Viaccess-Orca competition in the market in order to facilitate a presentation to Viaccess-Orca's board.

Early Findings

  • Competitors of Viaccess-Orca include Xandr, MullenLowe Mediahub, LiveRamp, Matter More Media, NCC, among others.
  • Companies such as Sky and Viacom are already making inroads in the addressable TV market.
  • Targeted advertising or addressable TV advertising is believed to be the future of TV advertising,
  • A Wall Street Journal analysis notes that companies are shifting more of their advertising budget from traditional TV advertising to addressable TV advertising that enables them to target a specific group or a precise demographic.
  • For instance,, a company that used to spend the majority of its marketing budget on traditional TV advertising, stated that it plans to spend 6% more of addressable TV advertising and 12% less on traditional TV advertising in 2019 after the company's positive experience with addressable TV advertising in 2018.
  • In Europe, advertisers are now cutting back on advertising on Facebook and moving money back to TV advertising largely due to the emergence of addressable TV advertising.
  • The addressable TV advertising market is expected to reach $3.3 billion in 2020, growing by 343% between 2016 and 2020.