Research Outline

Social Platform Demographics


To determine the percentage of users by age group on various social platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Google.

Early Findings


  • 71% of 26-35-year-old internet users in the US use YouTube.


  • The percentage of 25-30-year-olds that use Instagram in the US stacks at 57%, whereas users aged 30-49-years constitute 47% of Instagram users in the US.


  • 52% of millennials, i.e. people born between 1983-1998 (ages 22 to 37), in the US use Pinterest each month.


  • Over 75% of US internet users, in the 18-49-years age group, use Facebook. Within that age group, the distribution is almost uniform, i.e. the same proportion of users in age groups 18-29 and 30-49 use Facebook.
  • 68% of adults aged 50 and above use Facebook every day in the US.

Google Plus

Time Spent over the Internet


Our initial research turned up some useful statistics for each social platform, including YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Google Plus, as well as internet usage statistics for internet users in the US. Limited results were found for Google usage, therefore, we have provided results for Google Plus as an alternative.