Research Outline

Total MW Top Power Rental Companies Have in Their Fossil Fuel Powered Generator Fleet, Globally.


To provide information on the amount of MW that top power rental companies have in their fossil fuel-powered generator fleet globally.
  • Specifically, to provide information on the name of each company identified.
  • To provide a link to the websites of each company identified.
  • To provide information on the amount of MW each identified power rental company has in its fossil fuel-powered generator fleet.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that there is a wealth of information available on this topic.

The Top Companies


  • Cummins Power Generation reported that it had a C3000 Series Genset that can offer up to 3.5 MW. According to Cummins, this is the highest output for a high-speed diesel Genset.
  • The C3000 Series incorporates the Cummins QSK95 engine and it has to set a new industry standard.


  • Within the first hour, we have been able to provide lists of the top power rental companies that offer fossil fuel-powered generators globally.
  • Our research focus was global and if a different geographical zone is required, kindly inform us in any reply.
  • Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below. Please select one or more proposals from those provided.