Research Outline

UK Aquaculture Investors


Identify global investors that have invested in aquaculture projects in the UK. For each investor identified, provide their name, investment amount and any other relevant details.

Early Findings

Cadman Capital Group

  • Cadman Capital Group is a UK investment firm that is investing in land-based aquaculture in the UK.
  • The firm, which has been investing in aquaculture for more than 10 years, currently holds investment in a lobster farm, oyster hatchery and aquatech supply company.
  • Their current investment size is not disclosed.

Hatch Aquaculture

  • Hatch Aquaculture is a Hawaii based fund that invests in global aquaculture and aquaculture technology companies.
  • Past investments in UK companies include and investment in ANB Sensors and SuSeWi.
  • The specific amount invested in each company is unknown, but total investments made by Hatch total $8.4 million.


  • Aqua-Spark is "an investment fund with a focus on sustainable aquaculture businesses around the world. The small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) we invest in are working toward the production of safe, accessible aquatic life, such as fish, shellfish and plants, in ways that do not harm our oceans."
  • The company invested in Ace Aquatec, a Scotland-based company "focusing on developing and selling technologies that increase responsible marine practices." The amount of investment was not disclosed.