Research Outline

African-American Health and Wellness Articles


To find articles that address the following topics in the African-American community: wellness, mental health, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and depression. Articles should address these topics in the general African-American community, as well as the male community specifically. Look for both US and global articles. Quotes and data from these resources will be used to write a report. Present findings in the form of a spreadsheet.

Early Findings

We've put together a spreadsheet as requested to best organize our findings. Tab A lists articles that address the overall African-American community, while Tab B includes articles addressing the male community specifically.


We've included the following requested data points in our spreadsheet:
  • Column A provides the article's title.
  • Column B provides the article's date of publication.
  • Column C summarizes the article's key findings in 2-3 sentences.
  • Column D provides a link to the article.
  • Column E tags the article in one or more of the following categories: health and wellness, entrepreneurship, research, workplace, culture, inspirations, and entertainment.