Research Outline

Australian GenZ/iGen Customer Segment


Determine the social media habits and digital content categories that are the most popular with 16-25-year-olds in Australia. The information will be used in an RFP for P&G and Gillette.

Early Findings


  • The Gen Z generation include those who were born between 1991 and 2005, around 14 to 28 years old.
  • Around 89% of them prefer to visit the YouTube platform compared to 82% who were more inclined to use Facebook.
  • Approximately 33% of Gen Z individuals use Pinterest.
  • As for Instagram, around 68% of Gen Zs are active on this platform.
  • Climate change is the main concern of millennials and Gen Zs in Australia.
  • One of the top aspirations of Gen Zs in the country is purchasing a house.
  • Australian Gen Z travelers prefer outdoor activities.
  • Based on the young generation's brand preferences, some of the categories of the content that they are interested in are health and beauty, telecommunications, and digital and technology products.