Research Outline

Bladder Volume Diagnostics


In order to provide business plan insight for an AI diagnostic tool, we will aim to determine the number of bladder volume diagnostic tests conducted worldwide on an annual basis, with information on what type of facilities these tests are done in and the geographic segmentation of these tests, is available. We will also attempt to determine the market size, in US dollars, of the bladder volume diagnostics market, and, if available, provide a breakdown of this market size by geographic location.

Early Findings

Bladder volume tests are generally conducted via a bladder scanner. Since we were unable to find any market information on bladder volume tests, during our research we focused on the bladder scanner market.
  • Most bladder scanners worldwide are purchased by hospitals (purchasing 75.09% in 2016), with clinics/diagnostics centers (purchasing 15.23% in 2016) a distant second and home care settings resulting for the rest of the purchases (9.55% in 2016). By association, it would seem that most bladder volume diagnostic tests take place in hospitals, with some taking place in clinical settings.
  • Bladder scanners are mostly purchased by countries in the USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, and South East Asia.
  • The North American market dominates the bladder scanner market, followed by the Asia Pacific region.
  • The bladder scanner market globally is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% through 2026.
  • In 2017, the bladder scanner market was valued at $126 million globally in 2017, and is expected to reach $210 million globally by 2026.
  • The North American market for bladder scanners was valued at $46.4 million in 2018.
  • There were 8,036 bladder scanners worldwide in 2016, an increase of 9.81% from 2015.
  • We were unable to determine the annual number of bladder volume diagnostic tests worldwide in our preliminary research. However, we did find that an estimated "2.3 billion individuals across the world will be affected by at least one of the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) by 2020."