Research Outline

Marketing After Coronavirus


To learn how consumer behavior will change after the end of the virus epidemic, in order to learn how brands should communicate with customers after the virus epidemic.

Early Findings

  • According to The Guardian, the coronavirus epidemic will cause people to give less consideration to living in cities, as companies are transitioning to working from home.
  • As a result of the isolation restrictions, urban residents are becoming increasingly aware of their desire for human contact and social links.
  • Retailers are expected to feel the impacts of coronavirus long after the risks subside, as customers are predicted to permanently shift their preferences from brick-and-mortar stores to e-commerce.
  • It also seems likely shopper behaviour after the virus pandemic will remain characterized by buying large amounts of items and stocking up, as customers are getting used to long delivery times and essential items out-of-stock.
  • Additionally, consumers are increasingly buying home supplies as they remain at home and work. Lowe's, among other home improvement retailers, has seen an increase in sales over the past two weeks.