Research Outline

Business Benefits of Crawlers/Scrapers and RPA


To obtain examples of how companies are benefiting from robotic process automation (RPA).

Early Findings

  • UiPath automated the process of preparing daily profit and loss for a financial services company. By installing an RPA solution, the company reduced its "handling time from 60 minutes to 20 minutes, increasing accuracy of reports".
  • Workfusion used RPA to achieve STP (straight through processing) in the customer onboarding process for a major bank. This "reduced onboarding time from 20 days to 5 minutes".
  • According to the head of product at Blue Prism, Bart Peluso, the following examples show how companies have benefited from RPA:
    • By using digital workers, a payroll company in the United States that handles the payment of 39 million people globally has been able to achieve additional capacity.
    • RPA helped "enable its international service delivery strategy — to standardize, optimize, automate, and centralise key processes".
    • Also, RPA helped a major United Kingdom utility company in optimizing its digital strategy by helping the company provide great customer service.
    • In another instance, a global beer manufacturer leveraged RPA and artificial intelligence (AI) to implement a change in its accounting standards almost entirely (90%) electronically. This process was completed without human involvement. As a result the company achieved a reduction in process complexity, and improved its compliance and revenue.