Research Outline

BYOD and Camera Apps


To identify the quantitative information of the BYOD market, regarding TAM, CAGR, mobile devices share in BYOD, mobile camera usage share of mobile devices, industry vertical breakdown, and the use of No-Code. This information assists with the market sizing part of an investor pitch deck.

Early Findings

  • The global BYOD market is expected to grow from $186.09 billion to $430.45 billion between 2019 and 2025, with a CAGR of 15% between 2020 and 2025.
  • With the increased adoption of BYOD policies in the workplace across industries, the retail sector is expected to be a key growth driver. Driven by the increased ownership of mobile devices, North America and Asia Pacific regions are the largest and fast-growing markets, respectively. Other key industry verticals are healthcare, government, energy and utility, and automotive.
  • Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, 85% of organizations have enabled BYOD environments. The trend is expected to continue, driven by the rising penetration rate of 4G and 5G mobile devices, such as smartphones.
  • Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are the major mobile devices used in BYOD environments. Smartphones and tablets represented the majority of the BYOD market in 2018. The situation is expected to continue due to the declining trend or stagnant growth of laptops in the past five years.
  • 60% of people use their smartphones for work purposes, "67% of workers use personal devices at work, 87% of businesses depend on their employees' ability to access business apps from their smartphones."
  • Security is a concern that setbacks the adoption of BYOD in the workplace, security solutions that protect both devices and corporate data are crucial to the healthy growth of BYOD solutions in the future. No-Code is used to develop software solutions for managing the security of devices and applications. Among 60.8% of companies that invested in developing mobile applications in 2015, "44.6% of them invested in mobile and enterprise security, 43.8% in mobile device management, and 36.2% in BYOD solutions."

Summary of Early Findings

  • The initial hour of research identifies some recent statistics of the global BYOD market, however, information on the usage of cameras on mobile devices in BYOD environments appears to be very limited. There is also a lack of quantitative information on mobile devices percentage, industry vertical breakdown, and No-Code in the BYOD market.
  • With the increasing penetration of smartphones and mobile apps, employees are expected to use cameras to take photos/videos and scan images; this is also driven by the trend of the mobile workforce and remote working. Cameras on mobile devices are likely used to scan two- or three-dimensional codes or human faces as part of authentication procedures.