Research Outline

Career Discovery Frameworks


To identify career development frameworks that allows a person identify a new career based on factors such as purpose, key abilities, and mode of thinking

Early Findings


  • Data on the subject seems to be moderately available.

Frank Parsons’ Trait and Factor Theory

  • Frank Parsons’ Trait and Factor Theory is based on the "idea that an ideal career is based on matching personal traits like skills, values and personality, with job factors, such as pay and work environment. The better the fit, the higher an individual’s job satisfaction and success."
  • The framework is based on first examining the personality trait of the person, inventorying the character traits needed for the job, and then measuring the personality traits of the person against the job traits.

Frameworks Based on Frank Parsons’ Trait and Factor Theory

Kuder Assessments

  • Kuder Assesments is a series of tests and assessments that "reveals the similarity of the inventory taker’s activity preferences to those of people in certain clusters of occupations."
  • One of the assessments also reveals "the similarity of the inventory taker’s interest profile to each person in a pool of some 2,000 employed adults."
  • There are two different assements: Kuder Career Interests Assessment and Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment.


  • We were able to find a career framework theory based on an individual's skill, abilities, and thinking and a career framework assessment based on the theory within the first hour of research.
  • To complete the research on career frameworks that allows a person identify a new career based on factors such as purpose, key abilities, and mode of thinking, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.