You are interested in catering options in Whistler, British Columbia for a barbecue brunch with over 100 guests in Lost Lake Park, BC.
Early Findings
- Located at Alpha Lake Road in Whistler, British Columbia, Whistler Cooks specializes in catering for weddings, festival, and other large events at any venue in British Columbia. The company has wedding packages ranging from $15 per person to $75 per person. They are also open to customized meal options and can be contacted through this link. Their barbecue menu can be found here while their lunch menu can be assessed here.
- Whistler Food Co is a food catering company in Whistler, British Columbia that offers boxed lunch. They cater at barbecues, weddings, and other events. Although their prices are not disclosed on their website, they offer vegetarian food options like organic quinoa and kale meals. Their menu can be assessed here. Whistler Food Co can be contacted via email at eat@whistlerfoodco.com or phone at 604.966.8556.
Proposed Next Steps
We found that there are not a lot of catering options in Whistler particularly. Some are in other cities in British Columbia but cater to people in the Whistler region therefore we suggest expanding to catering options in British Columbia in general that cater to the Whistler region and can deliver to Lost Lake Park. If the above examples fit what you are looking for, we propose proceeding as follows
- We will find an additional 4 to 6 catering options (catering companies, restaurants, chefs, and so on) in British Columbia -catering to people in the Whistler region - for 100+ people in Lost Lake Park. These catering options must have gluten free and vegetarian options. For each option, we will provide their website, price, menus, and phone number. (3 hours, $87)