Research Outline

Chief Client Officer Goals and Priorities


The goal is to gain a clear understanding of the goals and priorities of a Fortune 500 chief client officer (CCO).

Early Findings


Typical Fortune 500 CCO goals and priorities include ...

  • The Chief Customer Officer Council defines the CCO as "an executive that provides the comprehensive and authoritative view of the customer and creates corporate and customer strategy at the highest levels of the company to maximize customer acquisition, retention, and profitability.”
  • The main focus of a CCO is to handle the responsibility of managing the business' relationship with its customers.
  • To this end, the CCO aims to drive profitable customer behavior. They do this by focusing on "initiatives such as profitability segmentation, customer retention, customer loyalty, satisfaction, and improving the customer experience."
  • Interacting with and motivating the frontline employees (call center and field technicians). Additionally, the CCO has a feedback system in place to understand issues facing these employees with the goal of solving problems that make the employees unhappy and thus improving productivity.
  • Another priority is to develop and centralize a customer profile to give a 360-degree view of the businesses customers. The goal is to understand the customer journey and measure satisfaction levels across all touchpoints.
  • A CCO aims to "bring the customer to life" by helping the others in C-level positions to really know their customer's needs and who they are in great detail.
  • CCO's should be looking to include customers in the creation/development process by allowing them to test new ideas and receive feedback.
  • An additional priorty of a CCO is to define and implement customer experience measurement and reporting standards. These standards offer valuable gimpses into what customers want from the business and show how the business can make the client's happy.
  • This data allows the CCO to increase revenue by knowing which customers to spend money on. Having a complete picture of the customer already in place makes this easier for everyone in the company.