Research Outline

Ontario Church Photography Market Analysis


To find information on the church photography landscape in Ontario, Canada especially the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

Early Findings

Photography Services

  • In 2019, there were 9,197 photography services companies in Canada.
  • 99.5% of these companies had an average of 0-99 employees in 2019.
  • In 2018, the average revenue for SMEs in this industry was $124,900 and 92.3% of these companies were profitable.
  • Information on the number, size, and finances of photography services companies that mainly deal in church photography in Canada in general and GTA in specific was largely unavailable in the public domain.
  • According to listings on EventSource, there are at least 117 ceremony and event companies in Toronto and the GTA.
  • These companies offer packages that are priced between $500 and $14,000.
  • A detailed analysis of the Canadian photography market can be accessed here.

Church Sector Toronto

  • According to the Travel Triangle, there are around 42 churches in Toronto. This means that there are at least 42 churches in the GTA.
  • Information on church attendance frequency in Toronto was largely unavailable in the public domain, However, a dated source puts church attendance in Canada at around 13% in 2013 representing a 21% decline from 2005. This findings were from a December 2013 poll by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) and the Angus Reid Forum.