Research Outline

Swiss Coffee/Oyster Mushroom Growing Research


To have an understanding of several things surrounding Switzerland and coffee and oyster mushroom growers. Specifically to know how much coffee is consumed by Swiss people annually. Additionally, to have the following data points and information provided:

The % of coffee that actually makes it into the coffee cup per cup of coffee brewed/made.
The amount of coffee waste thrown out by cafes/restaurants in Geneva each year.
The amount of coffee waste that ends up in landfill in Switzerland each year.
The amount of coffee waste that ends up in landfill in Europe.
The amount of coffee waste that ends up in landfill globally.
The number of oyster mushroom growers that exist in Geneva that use sustainable growing methods and reuse waste.
The number of oyster mushroom growers in Switzerland who reuse waste as a whole.
The wholesale price per kg for oyster mushrooms in the market of Geneva (target market is restaurants, caterers, companies who sell/deliver fresh fruit and vegetable boxes to consumers and potentially also everyday consumers).
The wholesale price per kg for oyster mushrooms in the market of Switzerland (RRP to consumers).
The wholesale and retail pricing for other sustainably grown oyster mushroom growers in Switzerland and then, separately, Geneva, that use recycled waste in their growing process.
***A competitor landscape which would examine how many local oyster mushroom growers are there in the Geneva market, Swiss market & European market, and of those, how many of them supply to Switzerland. Sales data on how many sales per year for 2018 and 2019 and revenue from sales. Any insight on competitors would be great.
The market size, demographics and psychographics of consumers, regulatory overview, industry drivers, industry trends, merger & acquisition activity, and the user journey

Early Findings

  • Switzerland’s 8.5 million residents consume around nine kg (20 lb) of coffee per person annually, beating Britain’s 3.3 kg average and double the 4.5 kg consumed in the United States, according to the International Coffee Organization.
  • 9 billion kilos of coffee consumed yearly worldwide is treated as waste, or is not properly disposed, being left decomposing in a landfill.
  • Over the course of a year, the UK produces up to 500,000 tonnes of coffee ground waste which is sent to landfill.
  • Every day more than 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed across the globe. Most of the coffee grounds used to make those cups are thrown away, with six million tonnes sent to landfill every year.
  • According to the Swiss Federal office for the environment, no Swiss urban waste ends up in landfill. Around 50% is recycled and the rest is used to produce energy.
  • In Switzerland, 50% of recycling is paper and cardboard, 31% in organic matter, 13% is glass, 5% is electrical products and 1% is a ragtag bag of other things. Incinerated waste includes 32% organic matter, 19% composite materials, 17% paper and cardboard, 13% plastic (mainly PET) and 13% other materials.
  • The real-time market prices of oyster mushroom s can be found here. It can fluctuate daily. At the time of this search, the global price was $5.05 per kg in US dollars. Switzerland is not listed.
  • A paywalled source was found for the market size of the oyster mushroom growers market. It contains other industry data as well.
  • The global Mushroom market accounted for US$ 38.13 Bn in 2017, expanding at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2018 to 2026. There was no publicly available data in this source that segmented out oyster mushrooms.

Summary Of Our Early Findings Relevant To The Goals

  • Our first hour of research was partly spent doing a scan to understand the feasibility of finding publicly available data surrounding the entire ask. While some data will be available, some will be more difficult to find. There are some data points that can likely be triangulated, as while we were not able (in the first hour) find data specific to Geneva and Switzerland on some parts of the ask, there does seem to be available data for Europe and globally.
  • Our first hour of research provided some data points asked for, as well as some supporting sources, as well as some sources that will be helpful for triangulating some questions asked.
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