Research Outline

NBA Research


To determine the number of times the provided players were listed as "Inactive" between 2015 - 2020 in the first 41 games and the last 41 games of the NBA regular season.

Early Findings

Here is the link to the Google spreadsheet containing the project. We have transferred the content of the provided document to the attached spreadsheet.

We have completed rows 2-31 of the attached spreadsheet with the number of times each player was listed as "Inactive" for the corresponding year. All information was obtained from the Basketball Reference website. Below are some of our findings:

  • Aaron Brooks was listed as "Inactive" 2 times in the 2016/2017 play season and once in the 2017/2018 play season.
  • Aaron Gordons was listed as "Inactive" 8 times in the 2017/2018 season, 2 times in the 2018/2019 season, and 6 times in the 2019/2020 season.
  • Aaron Harrison was listed as "Inactive" 15 times in the 2015/2016.
  • Aaron Holiday was listed as "Inactive" once in the 2018/2019 play season.
  • Abdel Nader was listed as "Inactive" 2 times in the 2018/2019 play season.

Summary of Findings:

In our initial hour of research, we were able to determine the number of times the provided players were listed as "Inactive" for the first 30 rows.