Research Outline

Triple Diamond + Design Thinking Framework


To create a framework suitable for physical product designs by developing a diagram that combines the Triple Diamond and Design Thinking methodologies and includes list of deliverables associated with each stage/phase of the custom framework.

Early Findings

Triple Diamond + Design Thinking Framework

  • The research team has developed a draft diagram that combines the Triple Diamond and Design Thinking methodologies. The diagram is available at this link.
  • In order to accurately overlay the stages outlined within each of the independent frameworks, the research team reviewed detailed analysis covering both the definitions and the applications of the Triple Diamond and Design Thinking methodologies.
  • In addition, the research team noted that the provided diagram for the Design Thinking methodology was actually a mashup of Design Thinking and Lean Startup. Notably, Design Thinking is composed of only 5 core stages.
  • However, the research team inferred from the inclusion of this document that the elements of Lean Startup were also of interest. As such, components from both methodologies were included within the custom diagram, with the core stages of Design Thinking clearly demarcated.

Summary of Initial Hour of Research

  • The research team leveraged the initial hour of research to assess the availability of the requested information, as well as to create a draft diagram that combined the requested frameworks.
  • We recommend proceeding by curating a list of deliverables associated with each stage/phase of the custom framework, and adding this information to the new diagram.
  • Also, considering the constraints of the initial hour of research, the research team was unable to refine the custom diagram to more specifically guide physical product designs, rather than digital or web products. We recommend completing additional research on this subject and incorporating associated adjustments into the draft framework.