Research Outline

Global fashion photography market.


To provide 2-3 trends in the global fashion photography industry.

Early Findings

Some of the trends in the global fashion industry may include:

Use of Drones

Using images that capture the bird’s-eye-view has become popular in photography in general. Fashion photographers use drones to take aerial shots that change the entire meaning of a project. "In one of the pioneering drone fashion shoots, London designer Craig Green shot a campaign with a drone in order to convey the models in a scientific, National Geographic-esque manner rather than in posed situations to simulate a romantic-era feel."

Rise in Internet and Social Media Penetration

"The rise in Internet penetration and the growing popularity of social media platforms are driving the demand for still images," overall. Social media, such as Instagram, is a primary tool that fashion brands use in their marketing strategies, as fashion relies heavily on powerful visuals and graphics.

Rise in Technologically Advanced Devices

"The use of technologically advanced photography equipment in photography services ensures the production of highly defined photographs." For example, the digital single lens reflex (DSLR) cameras have become smaller and nimbler. In fashion photography technology is used while taking the photos in order to provide a particular "feel," to post-processing, where editing creates desired impacts and visuals, such as the retro look which requires post-processing with retro filters and edits.

Summary of Findings

In this hour of research, we were not able to directly find trends in the global fashion photography industry. Therefore, we looked at trends in the global photography industry in general, then sought for information that shows the applicability of these trends in the fashion photography industry.