Research Outline

Ad Spots Surveys Competitive Landscape


To inform a client's new product launch by providing an understanding of the ad spots competitive landscape. An ideal response will provide a list of 5 – 10 companies that create surveys (such as programmatic research) within an online advertisement spot (such as a banner ad). For each company, its name, website, and a brief description of its product offering should be provided.

Early Findings

Useful Findings

  • OpinionAds is a user-intent driven service that provides real-time interactive display ads and surveys.
  • OpinionAd's website is


  • Initial research suggests that there are very few companies that offer the survey services within ad spots. This is evident by the number of companies found, which meet the required criteria. Most survey service providers only provide interactive surveys that cannot be integrated in an ad spot, while most ad service providers only provide programmatic survey services. Hence, the difficulty in providing the required results.
  • To continue providing value and aid the goals of this research, the research team is suggesting the below options for further research. Please select the most appropriate research options.