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Research Outline
Prepared for jacob@trademissions.org | Delivered September 11, 2020
Companies that are servicing Phone Repair SMBs: United States
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To find top companies servicing phone repair SMBs in the US, and their number of employees, size, revenue and whether they offer device protection plans.
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Early Findings
is a similar platform to RepairQ, offering repair management software for small stores. However, they serve a wider network of repair shops instead of just phone/device repair.
is a narrower focus, targeting computer and phone repair shops. They have 53 employees and have received $40,000 in funding.
is another system for electronics repair shops.
also offers general repair shop software, but they will target the system for specific needs, like cell phone repair.
CellStore Software
is a broader offering for both sales and repair.
again offers a similar solution.
RQ by iQmetrix
is their solution for cell phone repair shops.
is another option for cell phone repair shops.
is another POS and management system.
AYS Software
can be used by large and small repair centers.
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