Research Outline

First Responders Wellness Apps


Provide a competitive analysis of wellness apps for first responders to inform the building of a better solution with a unique value proposition. This analysis will include:
  • A list of wellness apps mental health and peer support, etc.) for First responders (firefighters, law enforcement).
  • A short description of each app's their value proposition and key differentiator.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability is adequate on this topic.

First Responders Wellness Apps


  • Within the first hour, we have been able to provide a list of first responders wellness and mental health apps.
  • For a deeper dive into the competitive analysis of the identified wellness applications, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.
  • Based on data availability, we anticipate being able to answer all parts of the question.