Research Outline

Health Equity Competitors


To provide information on competitors to Health Equity, including an overview of key messages used in their marketing, any metrics/proof points they use to support those messages, their advertising spend and examples of visuals from their marketing.

Early Findings

  • Hundreds of HSA companies exist in the U.S. In order to narrow down the list to a manageable number, we set out to identify a list of HSA companies that are considered top HSA providers.
  • lists Health Equity, Optum, HSA Bank, UMB, Fidelity, Further, HSA Authority, HealthSavings Administrators, Saturna HSA, and Lively as the top 10 HSA providers.
  • Morningstar lists Fidelity, Lively, The HSA Authority, Health Equity, Optum, UMB Bank, Fifth Third, Bank of America, Further and HealthSavings Administrators as the top HSAs for spending and Fidelity, The HSA Authority, Bank of America, Further, Fifth Third, HealthSavings Administrators, HealthEquity, UMB Bank, HSA Bank and Optum as the top HSAs for investing.
  • Doughroller lists Lively, BMO Harris, Affinity Credit Union, First American Bank, Health Equity, and The HSA Authority as the top HSA providers.
  • We narrowed down the list of top HSA providers by including those that were identified on at least two of the top lists we found, excluding Health Equity as it is the target company for this research. We then visited their websites to confirm that they provide similar products to Health Equity. This method resulted in the following list of eight companies: Optum Bank, HSA Bank, UMB Healthcare Services, Fidelity, Further, The HSA Authority, HealthSavings Administrators, Lively.