Research Outline

3D Printers - Use Cases for Kids


To obtain some insights into why kids and families would want to have a 3D printer at home or gain access to the technology in school.

Early Findings

There are several potential use cases and benefits associated with kids having access to 3D printers at home and in school. Below are some of our findings.

Developing and Enhancing Creativity in Kids

  • The 3D printing technology is a stepping stone towards kids understanding and showcasing their creativity. The technology enhances creativity, design thinking, and problem-solving skills in kids by bringing to life projects from their own imagination by printing pieces from their own designs.
  • A 3D company that has keyed into this initiative is the Toybox 3D printer. It helps kids print their own toys from pre-curated design sets and also assists the kids in designing and creating their very own toys right at home.

Hands-on Training

  • The 3D technology is vital in practicalizing some of the theories they were exposed to in the classroom which also, in turn, helps to increase their engagement with science and engineering projects in schools.
  • An example of a 3D company that pursuing this initiative is e-NABLE. The company partners with schools to teach kids how to design and print custom 3D-printed prosthetic hands as a form of school project. According to a partner school, adopting the hands-on approach "made it very real for the students."