Research Outline

Australian Brands


Identify and detail Australian brands that have penetrated the Indian and Korean markets.

Early Findings


  • Australian beverage company Bundaberg Brewed Drinks has successfully sold its lemon, lime and bitters flavor beverages as well as its ginger beer for more than a half of a decade.
  • The Australian media News Mail reported in 2016, "Tasty Korea, an online food channel full of fine food information, posted a video to YouTube showing off our ginger beer and lemon lime and bitters. Titled 'Bundaberg party in Korea', the video showcases the drinks being tested and turned into cocktails."
  • The YouTube video story also appeared in the Queensland Times and the Daily Mercury.
  • The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea posted on its Facebook page earlier this year, "Congratulations to Bundaberg Brewed Drinks on being awarded the 'Business Growth' Award at the Australia-Korea Business Awards in January!" Explaining, "In late 2015, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks partnered with South Korean distribution company, Inter BnF to launch its Ginger Beer, and Lemon, Lime & Bitters varieties into the South Korea market. Since their Korean launch in late 2015, sales have grown significantly year-on-year and now exceed 2.5 million bottles per year, available across all grocery channels. Having partnered with major Korean retailers and hypermarkets, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks can now be found as far South as Jeju Island and as far north as the Demilitarised Zone."


  • Earlier this year an Australian online store on Amazon India launched in India allowing the direct sale of Australian brands to the large population in India.
  • Foreign Trade Minister Simon Birmingham stated, "Thousands of Australian food, health and lifestyle brands will now be available at the click of a button in the world’s fastest growing consumer market, thanks to this partnership."
  • The launch was also published in Asia's Xinhua News as well as by Fashion Network, which highlighted personal care brand Swisse. "Swisse retails a range of skincare products such as face washes and face masks as well as vitamin supplements. The brand is endorsed by actor Chris Hemsworth and focuses on natural products."
  • Vegemite is another CPG that is being sold in India. The Foreign Minister explained, "Australia enjoys a brand synonymous with quality and safety. This partnership will help Indian consumers seeking our safe and high-quality products to connect with those who are proudly making them in Australia."
  • Sukin is also an Australian CPG sold in India.