Research Outline

Consumer Spend on Seafood


To determine the total annual spend on tuna products (fresh, frozen, canned, all form factors etc.) at grocery stores in the US for a business strategy.

Early Findings

Tuna Statistics

  • Tuna in all forms represents more than one-third of the total fish and seafood segment in the U.S. and more than half of the finfish segment.
  • Canned tuna is the second most popular seafood product in the U.S. after shrimp.
  • In the U.S., Americans eat about 1 billion pounds of canned and pouched tuna a year. Only coffee and sugar exceed canned tuna in sales per foot of shelf space in the grocery store.
  • Of those Americans who eat canned tuna, the vast majority, 83 percent, eat it for lunch. In fact, canned tuna is the only regularly consumed seafood at lunch.
  • Americans eat more tuna in the summertime nearly 30 percent of tuna eating occasions are during the summer. Consumption is lowest in October, November and December.

Tuna Market

  • The Global Canned Tuna market will register a 2.4% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach US$ 4479.7 million by 2024, from US$ 4066.6 million in 2019.
  • Summer demand for non-canned tuna was good in the United States of America, particularly for fillets and steaks. The US market is also the world’s largest importer of fresh/chilled tuna, with a total volume of 11,600 tons during the first half of 2018, which is almost twice the volume imported by Japan during the same period in 2017. Japan is still the largest sashimi tuna market in the world.
  • During the review period, there was a notable 26 percent rise in high-value bluefin tuna imports in the United States of America. Overall supply of airflown tuna fell by 4 percent due to lower catches of yellowfin and bigeye tuna in the supplying countries.
  • Imports of the popular tuna fillet (mostly frozen tasteless smoked and carbon monoxide treated products) also increased by 15 percent to 16,000 tons during this period. The leading suppliers were Indonesia, Viet Nam, the Philippines and Thailand. There was also a 51 and 7 percent increase in high quality sashimi grade fillet imports from Spain (350 tons) and Japan (343 tons), respectively.
  • The average price of tuna fish has remained steady over the past few years. Tuna had an average price of around 0.9 U.S. dollars per pound in the United States in 2016 and 2017.
  • 266.43 million Americans consumed tuna (can or pouch) in 2019.
  • Americans ate 16 pounds of fish and shellfish products in 2017 on a per capita basis.
  • In 2016, the average consumption of tuna, in pounds was 671 million.
  • In 2017, 1,036,090 pounds of tuna was either caught or imported into the United States.