Research Outline

Contrarian and Analytical Business News Sources


The goal is to access non-mainstream news sources about contrarian and analytical business topics.

Early Findings

  • Forbes lists some top investing blogs on their site. One blog, Contrarian Edge by investor Vitaliy Katsenelson, covers "everything from behavioral investing, to capitalism, to cryptocurrency and specific tickers".
  • Some mainstream news sources do talk about contrarian business investing and link to lesser-known sites, such as Bloomberg, Investors, and Marketwatch.
  • According to Social Media Today, LinkedIn provides annual trends for contrarian marketers.
  • Some online subscription newsletters for contrarian investors include Contrarian Outlook for $39 USD per year, Contra the Heard for $680 CDN, Grant’s Interest Rate Observer for $1,295 USD per year, and True Contrarian for $179.50 per year.
  • We were unable to find any resources that specifically focus on analytical business or analytical investing, but we did find some blogs and newsletters that include information on investing analytics.
  • Sure Dividend provides all kind of analytical investing information for $89 USD per year, after a free 7-day trial.
  • The Reformed Broker, by Joshua Brown, also talks about investing from an analytical viewpoint, and is a free blog.
  • Institutional Investor publishes all kinds of investing articles and profiles of investors, like this one of analytical investor Bill Miller. There is some free content, but premium subscriptions are available starting at $899 USD.