Research Outline

Conversions Research - B2B SaaS platforms


You are looking to understand whether the length of time from demo request to the actual live product demo has any effect on the conversions in the sales process for B2B SaaS platforms. To that effect, you would like case studies of B2B SaaS platforms that have sped up the time from demo request to live demo including the results of reducing the demo requests to meetings time.

Early Findings

SalesRabbit Case Study

  • SalesRabbit, a B2B sales enablement platform, faced challenges with the time it took to move prospective customers requesting a live demo to the actual live demo.
  • The initial process was for customers to fill and submit a form, which is then forwarded to a sales representative.
  • The back and forth exchange of emails over a suitable mutually available time meant there was friction before meetings were booked.
  • Some prospects will slip away because some didn't answer their emails were or the customers simply lose interest. With the existing method, SalesRabbit was able to move 25% of prospects who fill the 'Request Demo' form.
  • To reduce the demo request to live demo time, the company replaced the 'Request Demo' form with a chatbot.
  • The chatbot, “Rabbot”, is triggered when a customer clicks on the 'Request Demo' or 'See for Yourself' button. "Rabbot" asks the prospect certain questions to determine if they qualify.
  • The bot then presents a sales rep’s calendar with available dates for the prospect to choose from to book a meeting. This process eliminates the email back and forth between the prospect and the sales rep.
  • Since using the chatbot, SalesRabbit saw a 40% increase in the number of requests to meetings held.
  • Additionally, "the quality of the people that requested demos increased by almost 50%." Also, the number of leads who move to the 'not interested' category reduced to 8% from 15%.
  • The questions asked by the robot to qualify leads also helped SalesRabbit reduce the number of existing customers using the 'Request Demo' channel to seek help.