Research Outline

COVID-19: Impact Exercise and Performance Based Food/Beverages Research


To obtain data that shows the impact of COVID-19 on exercise and the consumption of high-performance food and beverages. Also, to determine is there is a need for higher protein drinks (30g), if people are consuming these drinks as meals, and if there are any groups with unmet needs in this area in order to market a new high-protein drink.

Early Findings

Exercise Post Covid-19

  • In a sample of about 3,000 U.S. adults, people who were meeting exercise guidelines before the pandemic reported an average 32% reduction in physical activity once social-distancing measures went into effect. Those who were sedentary before tended to stay that way.
  • Yoga has increased by 42% globally since the pandemic.
  • Hiking has increased by 34%.
  • Indoor cycling has increased by 19%.
  • Running has increased by 18%.
  • Activities that include special equipment, gym access or specific courts have clearly taken a hit, including playing tennis (decreased by 66%), swimming (decreased by 53%), playing badminton (decreased by 50%) and running indoors (decreased by 39%).

More Home Gyms

  • "Nine in 10 Americans who exercise regularly say they will continue with at-home workouts even after they feel comfortable returning to a gym in the future, according to a new survey from Beachbody, a Santa Monica–based health and fitness company. " 61% of respondents state they will eventually feel comfortable heading back to the gym. But more than 63% of Americans who exercise regularly say they will likely prefer a mix of working out in a gym as well as at home in the future.
  • “Whether it be for 10 minutes or a full hour-long routine, there is something very gratifying about discovering the convenience of just rolling out of bed, enjoying a pre-workout drink, and immediately pushing ‘Play’ on a workout of your choice,” says Carl Daikeler, CEO of the Beachbody Co.
  • City dwellers, especially, have embraced home workouts the most, with 77% working out three times a week or more, and 66% having found their at-home workouts extremely or very effective.
  • Hydrow, an at-home rowing startup peddling $2,220 machines, saw sales rise 400% in April compared with January.

Scientific Studies

  • Scientific studies like this one and this one, were more focused on steps or amount of time exercised, and not necessarily the demographic of a protein drink consumer.

COVID-19 & Dietary Supplements

  • According to Ipsos, usage of dietary supplements is up due to concerns with maintaining health.
  • 83%, believe these products play an important role in helping to support health and wellness during COVID-19.

Market Information

  • The global sports nutrition and supplements market accounted for a revenue of about $13.9 billion in 2018, it is predicted to reach up to $35.35 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 12.9%.
  • The market will witness growth in 2020 too, during the pandemic, due to increase in the consumption of sports nutrient products to improve the immune system.

Results of Iniital Research

  • This first block of research focused on how exercise has changed, locating studies, and the protein drink market as a whole.
  • Little information was located surrounding high protein drinks and their usage/habits during the pandemic. It is likely with more research, some information will be located.
  • There was not enough time to look in to the questions of the need for a higher protein drink, alternate uses, and groups with umnet needs.