Research Outline

U.S. Sales and Market Sizing


To provide the 2018 U.S. sales for the following brands: Kikkoman (soy sauce only), Pocky, Cup Noodles, Asahi (beer), and Kewpie (mayonnaise only, not all types of dressing). Sales can be in dollars or units sold. Also to provide the 2018 U.S. market size (dollars or units sold) for the following products:
  • Hot sauce
  • Asian hot sauce
  • Mayonnaise (not all types of dressing)
  • Dips
  • Popcorn (ready to eat)
  • Frozen dumplings
  • Instant noodles

Early Findings

Kikkoman (soy sauce only)

  • Kikkoman's 2018 annual report does not reflect any hard sales data related to soy sauce as a whole, neither for U.S. sales of soy sauce specifically. Additionally, the company does not report U.S. sales as a whole. However, the report does state that Kikkoman's is the number one selling soy sauce in North America and that sales in the U.S. are increasing YoY.
  • Historical documents show that Kikkoman's U.S. soy sauce sales in the U.S. were $2.5 million as of 1968.


  • Pocky's parent company is Ezaki Glico. Pocky accounts for 80% of Ezaki Glico's total U.S. sales as of 2017.

Hot sauce

  • The hot sauce production market in the U.S. is valued at $2 billion.

Mayonnaise (not all types of dressing)

  • The market size of mayonnaise production in the U.S. is $1.8 billion as of 2019. The global market size of mayonnaise was $10.3 billion as of 2018.


  • The sauce market in the U.S. is projected to reach $22.4 billion by 2024, which includes table sauces, cooking sauces, and dips.

Popcorn (ready to eat)

  • The ready-to-eat popcorn market in the United States was valued at $1.1 billion as of 2018.

Frozen dumplings

  • Globally, the frozen dumplings market was valued at $2.320 billion as of 2019. The United States, UK, Australia, Europe, Middle East, and Africa collectively hold at 23.47% share of this market.

Instant noodles

  • Globally, the instant noodle market was valued at $42.2 billion as of 2018. The U.S. is the sixth largest market for this product.
  • In 2016, U.S. sales of instant noodles was valued at around $1.7 billion.

Results of Early Findings

  • Overall, there does not appear to be much readily available insight showing the 2018 category sales for the U.S. across the selected categories. One exception is for ready-to-eat popcorn, for which a precompiled market size was located. Despite this, there does appear to be a lot of information available about these categories which could potentially yield a successful estimate (triangulation) for some (and potentially all) of the categories. However, our team would need to do a thorough deep dive on each category in attempts to carry out this research path as a whole.
  • Although it was not possible to examine the U.S. sales of each brand selected during this initial research, the information analyzed so far shows that it's unlikely that these companies will have publicly available insights which directly shows their U.S. sales, especially for those that are specific to a certain product, such as soy sauce. However, a deeper dive into each topic may be able to uncover some more deeply hidden insights or possibly triangulate an answer.
  • One big obstacle in this research was in attempts in locate data specific to sales of 'Asian hot sauce'. We were unable to locate any reports that specifically touch on this topic. However, it might be possible for our team to attempt to identify brands of popular Asian hot sauce's in the United States and their U.S. sales data. This would require further research.