Research Outline

Deflector/Reflector Dish Design


To understand the function of the front deflector dish of the Star Trek:Enterprise NX-01 starship. Also to understand by searching for peer reviewed research papers whether it is possible to create a parabolic reflector antenna dish that works as a wideband receiver of circularly polarized signals.

Early Findings

Function of the Front Deflector Dish of the Star Trek:Enterprise NX-01 Starship

  • According to 'Star Trek' database, the front deflector dish of the Star Trek:Enterprise NX-01 starship "projects a force field ahead of the ship that deflects small debris out of the ship's path while it is travelling at warp speed."
  • The front deflector dish "protects the ship from space dust and other particles that would otherwise cause significant damage at faster-than-light speeds."
  • In the Star Trek universe, the deflector dish of the Enterprise NX-01 was used in the year 2154 "to generate a deflector pulse which destroyed Sphere 41, thus disrupting the entire network of spheres in the Delphic Expanse. Later that year, the NX-01's deflector was modified to emit a positron burst, which disabled Harrad-Sar's barge when it passed through the grappling line of his ship."

Antenna Dishes That Can Work as Wideband Receivers of Circularly Polarized Signals

  • There are some peer reviewed research papers that discuss about antenna dishes (some parabolic, others non-parabolic) that can work as wideband receivers of circularly polarized signals. These papers are mentioned below.

Summary of the Early Findings Relevant to the Initial Research

  • We are allotted one hour to conduct the initial research. Also, Wonder policy does not allow for primary research. Wonder researchers have to conduct secondary research from information that already exists freely in the public domain.
  • During the one hour allotted, the team of researchers was able to clarify the function of the front deflector dish of the Star Trek:Enterprise NX-01 starship and also present evidence of peer reviewed research papers that have discussed about antenna dishes that can work as wideband receivers of circularly polarized signals. Some of these antenna dishes are parabolic, while some are non-parabolic. These dishes work on a range of frequencies.
  • As evidenced during our initial research, parabolic reflector antenna dishes that work as wideband receivers of circularly polarized signals are still at an early stage of development. However, such antenna dishes have been used for TV satellite broadcasting in Japan.
  • Please select one or more of the following options if further research is required.