Research Outline

Rwanda Higher Education


To find how many university seats are available in Rwanda and how many students sit the advanced general certificate of secondary education exams.

Early Findings

  • Rwanda has one public university and around 8 other private universities and polytechnics around the country.
  • For 2017-18, the University of Rwanda had 22% Year 1 students out of 28,609 total students. This means 6,294 seats were available to school leavers in Rwanda.
  • The entity in charge of administering the exams is the Rwanda Education Board. While the Board has released primary exam results, there is nothing published on their website about how many students sat the advanced examinations.
  • The exams are sometime referred to as "A-Levels". One news story stated that in 2017, 44,037 students sat their A-Levels, up from 41,719 the year before.
  • However, another news story states that in 2017, 42,140 say their A-Levels with 36,493 achieving a pass. This is a 89.55% pass rate.
  • The proportion of passers for girls (55%) is generally better than that for boys (44.96%).
  • A later news release states that in 2019, 51,291 students sat their A-Levels.