Research Outline

Demographic Analysis


To get hard stats and data related to cancer and prostate cancer incidence and prevalence in Italy.

Early Findings

Our first round of research unveiled the following information:
  • The total number of new prostate cancer cases reported in Italy in 2018 amounted to 43,837. The figure represents 10.7% of the total number of newly reported cancer cases (2018).
  • Nearly 409,808 cancer cases were reported in Italy in the year 2018.
  • Based on geographical stats, Lombardy (Italy) was reported to have the highest number (30,000 cases) of newly reported cases of cancer. Lazio and Emilia-Romagna were the second and third on the list with the most number of recently reported cancer cases, and Aosta Valley had the least number of cancer cases for the year 2019, which amounted to only 300 cases in total.
  • " In 2019, 37,000 males were estimated to be newly diagnosed with prostate cancer in Italy. Pertaining to new diagnosis among males, prostate cancer was the one with the highest incidence."
  • "Breast cancer was the most common one among females. In 2019, breast cancer accounted for 30 percent of new cancer cases diagnosed among women; colorectal and lung cancer followed with shares of 12 percent each."
  • "The number of new cancer cases among females in Italy forecasted for 2019 was very consistent and varied greatly according to the type of cancer considered; according to data, breast cancer was the most prevalent cancer type among females, with 53,000 estimated new cases. Colorectum and lung cancer followed with 22,000 and 13,000 forecasted cases respectively."