Research Outline

Demographics of Metropolitan Areas


To determine the demographic makeup of the following metropolitian areas: New York, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Miami/Fort Lauderdale. For each population the following characteristics should be identified: ethnicity, race, age, gender, and socioeconomic status. The information will be used to create targeted advertisements.

Early Findings

New York Demographics

  • In 2018, New York had a population of 8.4 million. The average age of the population was 36.9 years of age.
  • A breakdown of the population based on gender and age is as follows:
    • 0-5: Male 273,348 ( 51.6%); Female 261,720 (48.4%)
    • 5-9: Male 228,993 (50.6%); Female 223,976 (49.4%)
    • 10-14: Male 246,637 (51.2%); Female 235,312 (48,8%)
    • 15-19: Male 223,434 (50.2%); Female 221,477 (49.8%)
    • 20-24: Male 256,754 (48.1%); Female 276,412 (51.9%)
    • 25-29: Male 377,437 (48.5%); Female 399,501 (51.5%)
    • 30-34: Male 355,646 (49.2%); Female 367,448 (50.8%)
    • 35-39: Male 295,267 (48.5%); Female 312,491 (51.5%)
    • 40-44: Male 261,209 (48.4%); Female 278,183 (51.6%)
    • 45-49: Male 253,695 (48.1%); Female 272,776 (51.9%)
    • 50-54: Male 251,279 (47.5%); Female 276,124 (52.5%)
    • 55-59: Male 250,240 (48.3%); Female 267,155 (51.7%)
    • 60-64: Male 215,120 (44.5%); Female 267,696 (45.5%)
    • 65+: Male 532,476 (41.3%); Female 755,828 (58.7%)
  • The median household income was $63,799. This is in contrast to the US as a whole, which has a median household income of $61,937. The average male salary was $81,735, while the average female salary was $63,914. The average household income was $63,799. There are an estimated 3.18 million households in New York.
  • White non-hispanics make up 31.9% of the population, African Americans 21.7%, Asian 14.1%, Hispanic 14%, and white hispanic 10.4%. The most common countries of origin for those not born in the US were Dominican Republic, China, and Mexico.
  • 48.6% of the people in New York speak a non-english language. The most common languages (aside from english) were Spanish 23.9%, Chinese 6.27%, and Russia 2.35%.
  • The median property value was $645,100.

COVID-19 and New York

  • New York has had a total of 422,935 cases of COVID-19. There have been 32,431 deaths. The average number of cases per 1 million people is 21,687. A breakdown of these numbers based on county is available if required.


  • In our initial hour of research, we have focused on completing a demographic profile based on the criteria given for the New York population. In the course of our research, we disscovered several additional features of the New York population, which we have included because they could be relevant in creating targeted advertisements.
  • We have also identified the key COVID-19 statistics relevant to New York.
  • Our research suggests that the demographic information for the remaining cities is also readily available, accessible, and in some instances pre-compiled. Based on this information, we suggest continuing the research as set out below.