Research Outline

Golf Cart Purchasers- Ontario


To provide a buying behaviors, demographic and a psychographic on individuals from Ontario, Canada that are likely to purchase a golf cart.

Early Findings

Information Availability

  • Information specific to golf cart purchasers in Ontario was not available, but an alternate research path and proxy has been provided.

Research Strategy

  • After not locating any information specific to those who might purchase golf carts in Ontario, the research expanded to Canada and North America unsuccessfully.
  • At this point research pivoted to look at golfers as a proxy for those that might purchase a golf cart. As this information was not plentiful, the majority of the research time was spent looking for sources that might be able to provide a demographic and psychographic.

Canadian Golfers

  • 1 out of every 10 Canadians play golf for a total of 6 million golfers nationwide.
  • Par5 shares a demographic for golfers in Canada, but the date could not be verified.

Golfers in Ontario

  • There are over 115,000 golfers that are members at the 420 clubs in Ontario. This number is probably the most relevant, as members of clubs would be who would buy the carts, instead of golfers that are less serious. (Initial research was not able to validate if there is a difference between clubs and facilities, or if this number is outdated. ).
  • 86% of Canada's golf facilities are in Ontario. There are currently 805. 29% are 9-hole courses.
  • 680 are daily fee courses, and 125 are private.

Possible Sources of Information (For Proxies & Triangulations)

Results of Initial Research

  • Locating information was challenging, but after this initial hour, we were able to piece together enough data relating to Ontario and Canada, that a demographic and psychographic should be successful.
  • As there was a need mentioned in the engagement for best ways to market, this is addressed below.