Research Outline

Insights Into The Global Condom and Lubrication Market


To develop insights around the global condom and lubrication market, with a focus on distributors who provide condoms to retailers as well as to consumers. To develop an understanding into the factors driving brand segmentation in the market, consumer interest, public interest in condoms, different brand segmentation/demographics, sexual health and stigmas after COVID, health education, brand loyalty, and retail markets.

Early Findings

Condom and Lubrication Industry Insights

  • According to research studies and reports by Intrado the global condom market in 2019 was worth a total of $4.9 billion (USD). The market has seen significant and increased recent growth and was expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5%, reaching approximately $8.5 billion by 2026.
  • However, industry analysis by Grand View Research valued the global condom market at a higher figure of $7.9 billion. They also forecast CAGR of 8.5%.
  • The global market for sexual lubricant is also growing, with expected CAGR of approximately 8% for the period between 2018-2024. Increased promotional and marketing activities, significant influence of the internet on end-users purchasing behavior and increased acceptance among women are likely to be the main contributing factors for the growth of this market during the forecast period.
  • A 2011 study found that globally, over 5 billion condoms were being used every year. The study also noted regional differences in condom user and buyer behavior, recording that in the U.S., the average condom user was between 18-24 years old, and approximately 70% of condom purchases were made by men. Cultural differences were also noted, Europeans for example appeared to prefer condom shapes, textures and packaging designs that were more sexually stimulating and adventurous, while Brazilians preferred particular flavored and scented condoms.
  • The global female condom market is growing at a significantly faster rate (CAGR of 15.55% expected for the period between 2017-2023) than traditional condoms, and this has been helped by increased exposure from promotional events such as Global Female Condom Day.
  • The luxury condom market is experiencing significant growth. Offering such advantages as 'bespoke fit' and 'chic packaging', condom brands are becoming increasingly aware of the change in perceptions on condom use, from an essential function to a more important individual experience.
  • Humanitarian factors such as sustainability, eco-friendliness and fair trade practices are influencing consumers in the condom industry, and this has lead to increased awareness around 'green' condoms and natural lubricants and alternatives to more traditional options.

Brand Loyalty, Segmentation and Demographic Insights

Customer User Journeys — Where and How Do They Buy Condoms

  • Condom users generally acquire their condoms in difference ways throughout different regions in the world. Some common practices include, in Thailand for example, restaurants who provide condoms free of charge after meals, or in the UK, where condoms are commonly purchased at chemists.

Condom Stigma and COVID-19

  • Condom demand fell during the COVID-19 pandemic, and reports suggest that the reason for this was the sharp decline in casual sexual relationships during lockdown periods. A survey however, did find that many Americans reported having more sexual intercourse with their long-term partners, and the desire to avoid pregnancy had not decreased.
  • General attitudes to all forms of hygiene have improved globally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this was reflected in the UK, where condom sales surged as national lockdown restrictions were eased.

Other Information

  • Initial research has found that there is not much available information within the public domain on specific activities and insights of business to business and wholesale distributors in the condom and lubrication market.
  • Attitudes to sexual intercourse and condom usage vary significantly within different parts of the world. While there are various industry statistics on the global condom and lubrication industry, initial research has shown that there are few common insights on perceptions, behavioral trends or patterns. Potentially more value can gained from considering condom use on a more regional level, or by comparing use and attitudes in different regions.
  • A lot of the available information and studies on condom use and consumer attitudes and perceptions were found to be somewhat outdated. There has been significant research and study into condom use in previous decades, especially in the wake of historical events such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic. But as time as passed and medical advances have helped reduce the focus, or shifted the focus onto other prevalent health issues, significantly fewer studies and research was found to be available from the past decade.