Research Outline

Medical Collaborative Glasses and Headsets


To provide information to help the client in developing a tool to help doctors achieve better outcomes with their patients:
  • Determine if there are Google glass-like devices that can allow therapists/doctors get real time support or collaboration on a patient in real time while streaming the wearer's vision.
  • Provide links to products/devices from different companies that produce a wearable Google glass-like device that has the ability of streaming the wearer's vision to someone else in a remote location in real time.

Early Findings

Initial research reveals that there are devices or machines that allow medical practitioners to get real time support or collaboration on a patient in real time while streaming the wearer's vision. However, only a few of such devices are in the form of wearable glasses or headsets. These devices usually leverage Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality (MR) with artificial intelligence to make such outcomes possible. Apart from medical practices, such devices can also be leveraged to achieve other functions in industry, education, and more.


  • The Propio device "fuses human and computer vision for augmented perception and cognition".
  • The device provides "multi-camera system, surgeons access all the data they need—including pre-operative imaging, powerful magnification, virtual annotation and collaborative feedback—directly in their field of view."
  • In addition to visualization, Propio also "enables teams to see through obstructions, magnify in and out without losing depth of field or surface detail, align tools with precise pre-operative plans and collaborate with colleagues anywhere in the world."


  • The research team spent the first hour of research in determining the existence of, and providing an example of a Google glass-like device that allow medical practitioners to get real time support or collaboration on a patient in real time while streaming the wearer's vision.
  • In order to find the most fitting information and devices, the scope of the initial research was taken to be global. Further research will adopt this scope as well. If a different geographical scope is desired, please specify this in a reply.
  • Based on the findings from this initial research, the research team is proposing the below paths to contribute more value to achieve the goals of this research.