Research Outline

Physician Pain Points - Diabetes


To understand the pain points/frustrations that PCPs, endocrinologists, cardiologists, and nurse practitioners have when treating type 2 diabetes, and how they can be lessened

Early Findings

  • SmartMeter surveyed 170 physicians who attended the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) event on the top pain points clinicians face when treating diabetes.


  • Ninety-three percent of the clinicians surveyed stated that patient communication between visits is a challenge when treating diabetes. Thirty-one percent of the doctors stated it is their top pain point.
  • Having a diabetes web portal may help with communication.
  • Clinicians and patients should have a discussion about electronic communications. Being upfront about how they feel about texts, email, video chat, and other forms of communication can pave the way to improve communication between appointments.


  • There are several factors that impact doctors getting blood glucose results: 92% of doctors stated that having data available at the time of the patient appointment is a problem. One of the contributing factors to this is the complexity of devices.
  • Allowing for remote-monitoring and having data be uploaded automatically are potential ways of mitigating the problem.


  • Ninety-three percent of clinicians surveyed stated that teaching technology to patients takes too much time.