Research Outline

Digital Platform Construction


To identify companies that specialize in digital product platforms and can construct an online platform to sell portions of a database. This information will be used to determine a company that can assist in prioritizing an SSPS database that will enable consumers to purchase specific subsets of the data through the online database. A list of at least five companies is required, along with examples of their successful engagements and, if available, pricing . The companies identified should be based in the US.

Early Findings


  • Chetu is based in Plantation, Florida. They are a back end technology company that creates software for companies that will enable them to move their operations forward.
  • They have a wide and diverse range of expertise, which includes the development of knowledge base software. Custom software solutions is one of the services offered by Chef.
  • Chetu employs over 1,800 on-demand developers with a wide range of expertise across all aspects of software development.
  • The company describes its expertise as followers, "Our developers possess extensive knowledge for programming high-level languages, machine languages and assembly languages for front-end and back-end apps. We augment software development projects on an as-needed basis for IT teams."
  • IA list of the companies that Chetu has worked with is available here. The companies include Visa, SkyPatrol, Siemens, Brookstone, and IGT. A wide range of successful projects are available in the company portfolio.


  • In our initial hour of research, we have located one potential candidate. Progress has been slow, due to the need for any potential candidate to meet several criteria. There are a considerable number of companies that offer potential solutions with already developed products. A number offer customization, but it is unclear from their websites the degree of the customization.
  • Ongoing research will be time-consuming, but it appears that there is sufficient information available publicly to compile the required list.