Research Outline

Oncology Investors Research


To gather information about oncology investment professionals. Oncology investment professionals should be defined in the following way: people who are currently involved with investment decisions surrounding pharmaceutical/biotech/life science companies, who specialize in oncology, and have experience evaluating companies/technologies in the oncology space. Additionally, such an individual would be one who is authorized to speak in general terms about their organization's outlook on the oncology landscape, including market trends and the evolution of the diagnosis/treatment paradigms.

The goal of this research is to provide information about who the typical oncology investment professional is.

Early Findings

  • Generally speaking, investors in the United States are more likely to be male (54%), more likely to be over the age of 55 (45%), more likely to be white (79%), more likely to be a college graduate (44%), and more likely to have an income between $50,000 and $100,000 (45%). Additional insights about the demographics and psychographics of investors in general can be found in this report. Although this data does not cover oncology investment professionals specifically, this information has been included here as it may still provide some useful insights in light of a lack of availability of more direct information.
  • The demographics of oncology professionals are as follows: 84% are over the age of 40, with the median age in the U.S. falling around 52-years-old; men represent 70% of oncologists and 52% of oncology fellows; in terms of race, 2% of oncologists are African American, 3% are Hispanic (4% and 6% respectively for oncology fellows specifically).
  • Oncology Partners LLC is a company that works to "identify companies with promising technologies and vision that are caught in this gap that exists in the capital formation process between early-stage investors and venture/strategic investors [...] [and] determine the precise steps which will robustly demonstrate the potential of the technology and will develop a comprehensive story that will attract institutional investment."
  • Jon Burrows is a partner and co-founder at Oncology Partners LLC. Based on a visual analysis of his LinkedIn profile picture, Burrows appears to be a male over the age of 50, residing in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S. Burrows has a Ph.D., and currently works in two other positions besides serving as a partner at Oncology Partners; the CEO and Director of Oxford BioDynamics and a member on the Board of Directors at Chess Therapeutics. He earned his Bachelors of Science in Industry Chemistry from Leeds University in 1983, a Masters of Science in Physical Chemistry from the University of Nevada-Reno in 1987, a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Nevada-Reno in 1996, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical research at Washington University St. Louis School of Medicine from 1996-1998. He has been working in pharmacology, oncology, and pathology since 2001. Based on an analysis of his LinkedIn profile, Burrows appears to be a caring individual. For example, he has linked a post that was trying to get likes for a man's 101st birthday, he has posted a graphic showing gratitude and giving thanks to his business partner and said "I really appreciate all that you do." He appears to be interested in things like philosophy and poetry, as he has shared a quote from Ernest Hemingway about listening, thinking, patience, forgiveness, and perseverance.

Results of Early Findings

  • During this initial research stage, we attempted to locate any surveys or precompiled persona profiles of the aforementioned cohort. However, no such data was found to be publicly available. This is likely due to the fact that the cohort is very specific and highly niche. Generally, there is a lack of publicly available information the more specific/niche a cohort is. Despite this lack of information, we have been able to devise two strategies for how we can triangulate a better understanding of this cohort.
  • Triangulation Option 1: It's possible to triangulate an understanding of the cohort by breaking the cohort down into less specific silos and collect information about these broader silos. For example, we were able to find demographic data about investors overall, as well as demographic data about oncology professionals overall. Looking at these results collectively, various overlaps are noted. Additional research can continue by building complete demographic and psychographic profiles of the following types of individuals: investors/financial advisors/business analysts & oncologists We can then analyze where the key overlaps are to provide a summary of oncology investment professionals.
  • Triangulation Option 2: Another way to triangulate this information is by first identifying individual people who align with the cohort and then building a profile of each individual (demographics, psychographics, education history, work history). An example of this has already been done for one individual (Jon Burrows). For this research path, we can compile our findings in a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be found here. The information for Jon Burrows has already been added as an example. Much of the information being included in the spreadsheet can be obtained from the person's LinkedIn profile, and then supplemented with additional social media profiles, media appearances, and publicly available biographies as available.
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