Research Outline

Educational Accounts on Social Media


To prepare a list of top educational accounts on social media, specifically on Twitch (e.g. CalTech economics, prof X), TikTok, and top educational (courses, universities, professors) channels on YouTube.

Early Findings


On Twitch, it is important to note, that anything can be tagged as educational - for example this livestream of video game play by HasanAbi - and most search results within the app itself will be influenced by channels which are currently live and not by the inherent size of the channel. As such, outside sources will need to be utilized in order to better present examples of educational content on Twitch. It is not anticipated that top will be able to be determined because of these constraints in the platform, thus only examples of educational organizations, professors, and/or teachers are being provided.

Robert Yang, NYU Game Center Professor
D'Juan Irvin, Full Sail Univeristy Instructor
  • "As a full-time streamer and Shorty Awards nominee, D'Juan (better known as Deejay Knight) isn't just a gamer. He's equal parts entertainer and educator, and he's constantly finding new ways to combine the two. "
  • "D'Juan graduated with a degree in Digital Media in 2005 and then returned to Full Sail in 2013 to pursue another degree in Digital Arts & Design. He even taught as both a lab specialist and a course director in Full Sail's Game Design and Digital Media programs."


TikTok does not allow for searching of accounts when on a desktop version of the site (only via the mobile app) and as such, it will be necessary to utilize outside entity references and rankings to locate these accounts. As the methodology for ranking is not consistent (or sometimes even explained) by these outside entities, it is suggested that examples be presented rather than a definition of top.

According to EduBirdie, some of the top educational accounts on TikTok include:
The site BoredTeachers also recommends a variety of teachers to follow on TikTok:


Much the same with the other platforms, the algorithms of YouTube's platform dictate the results of any search within the platform. For the purposes of these early findings, the search term "educational videos for college students" has been used to provide examples. Again, top should not be assumed as these are search results dictated by the platform.


The time constraints of the discovery portion of research allowed for initial review of the three requested platforms (Twitch, TikTok, and YouTube). These early findings indicate that finding users streaming education content on Twitch will likely be quite difficult and will require the use of outside media mentions of such content. Finding users on TikTok and YouTube will be far more achievable, though it is suggested that searches be performed on specific subjects in order to produce reliable results.

Therefore, it is suggested that further research be conducted only on TikTok and YouTube to provide at least 30 examples of users producing content on each platform for college students in science and English. We have assumed the end user as a college student based on the requirements within the initial project submission.

If additional (or alternative) subjects are desired, please communicate that in any response.

As a reminder, Wonder only uses publicly available sources. We do not have access to paid databases or paywalled reports, but we can cite them in research for reference only [in case purchase is desired], however no indication of paid resources to add value to this research was seen in the discovery phase.