Research Outline

Podcast Marketing Best Practices


Find 5-7 best practices for marketing podcasts, with an emphasis on nonprofit or academic podcasts, if available.

Early Findings

Marketing Best Practices

  • iTunes is one key platform that listeners use to discover podcasts. A best practice is to optimize the podcast for iTunes by taking advantage of iTunes' search features. An iTunes search shows the podcast title, subtitle, and description. These fields should feature a great title, and a poignant description with key terms, big names, etc.
  • Another feature of iTunes is the "New and Noteworthy" section, a great place to launch a new podcast and get it noticed by potential listeners. "Getting listed in this section can lead to organic podcast traffic, increased downloads, increased subscribers, and extra reviews and ratings." Criteria include: download numbers, subscriber numbers, 5-star ratings.
  • Another marketing best practice for podcasts is to build business relationships and partnerships to increase exposure. Cross-promotion opportunities might include the host being interviewed on another podcast, interviewing other podcasters or industry experts, and cross-promoting on websites or social media.
  • For podcasts that feature interviews and guests, landing a well-known guest can be a very impactful way to market a podcast, especially to establish legitimacy and boost subscribers for a new podcast. The best strategy to accomplish this is to reach out to potential guests and build a relationship with that person based on genuine connection.
  • According to Apple Podcasts Podcast Marketing Best Practices, podcast trailers are a great marketing tool. Even prelaunch, a trailer can introduce listeners to the show. "Two minutes or less should do the trick. Tease just enough information to generate interest. And highlight important events like the beginning of a new season, special guests, new features, or a big story."
  • Tentpole programming is a marketing strategy in which podcast content is created around major cultural moments or events. Holidays are one example, as are major events like the Oscars or Black History Month. Create programming that centers on whatever people are buzzing about to generate more interest.

Summary of our Early Findings

  • We want to caution that we found no studies and no independent white papers surrounding these topics. All information is going to be gleaned from reputable blogs from industry experts. We also found nothing that segments out non-profit companies that produce podcasts so we are discouraging that research avenue.
  • We should note that marketing best practices specific to nonprofit or academic podcasts were not found in any readily available public source. However, we are assuming that overall marketing best practices will still apply to nonprofit and academic podcasts.