Research Outline

Electronic Schematics Designers


To determine the number of electronic schmatics designers in the world by country/region for an investment pitch.

Early Findings

Global PCB Designing market

  • According to Electronicsforu, due to the rapid growth of the electronics industry worldwide, the PCB industry has seen remarkable growth over the last two decades.
  • The PBC design software market is estimated to reach 4 billion by the end of 2023 at a CAGR of 26%. Which indicates a market size of 1.59 billion for 2019. (4 billion*1.26^-4)
  • Japan and Asia-Pacific own the majority share of the global PCB market and within this region, India and China are leading the industry in terms of growth.
  • Another source reports that Europe had been responsible for 44% of the PCB volume globally in the 1990s. It further states that PBC production has left Europe and the region only manufacturers around 5% of the total volume at present.

Other findings

  • Autodesk emphasizes that while there was a clear distinction between an engineer and a technician 10-15 years ago, it is not the same at present. The line is now blurred with PCB designers now handling tasks related to an engineer, a technician and more.
  • The International Labor Organization does not contain a detailed breakdown of employees in the world according to the type of engineering work. It provides a general estimate of major employment categories and has reported that there are 237.3 million technicians and associate professionals in the world.
  • According to Embible, the top 5 countries with the largest number of engineering graduates per year are as follows: Russia (454,436), United States (237,826), Iran (233,695), Japan (168,214), and South Korea (147,858).
  • According to Career Explorer, there are currently 188,300 electrical engineers in the US and this job market is expected to grow at 8.6% per year from 2016-2026.
  • As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total of electrical and electronic engineers in the US is estimated at 330,300 and expected to grow by 2% (slower than average) between 2018-2018. A more detailed breakdown with the number of electronic schmatics designers was not available.