Research Outline

Emotional Intelligence Research: Start-Up Founders


Help link start-up success and founder's emotional intelligence (or even resilience) via a summary of 3-5 credible and reliable academic studies about this, with studies emphasizing Australia, then the UK and the US, although focus can be global.

Early Findings


  • There are no Australia-specific academic journals that might focus on startups and founder personalities, except perhaps the Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, although there are several international ones.
  • The top five academic journals in the US for business and management that may conceivably study startups and their founders are the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, Business and Society, and the Journal of Business and Psychology.
  • The top five academic journals in the UK for business and management that may conceivably study startups and their founders are the Journal of Small Business Management, the British Journal of Management, the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, and Management Decision.
  • Globally popular academic journals for business and management reflect the US and UK top journals above.


  • The Australasian Marketing Journal would be the top academic journal for this market.
  • The top five academic journals in the US for marketing that may conceivably study startups and their founders are the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Academy of Management Perspectives.
  • The top five academic journals in the UK for marketing that may conceivably study startups and their founders are Marketing Theory, the International Business Review, Business Horizons, the Journal of Marketing Management, and the European Journal of Marketing.
  • Globally popular academic journals for business and management reflect the US and UK top journals above.

Additional Sources of Interest

  • While academic journals that focus on digital advancements (ex. technology or Big Data) focus more on the implications of such advancements, rather than the "human" side of its management, there are other journals that might prove of interest. Under Scimago's listing, there is a category called "Management of Technology and Innovation". While some journals have already been mentioned above, a journal based in the Netherlands called "Journal of Business Venturing" might be useful. Technovation, out of the UK, studies all aspects of technological innovation including the "technological innovator as an entrepreneur, team-member, manager or employee".
  • Rigorous studies are not only conducted under the auspices of academic journals; several business-focused magazines and publishers conduct credible studies of their own. According to, which is the largest database of magazine and newspapers online, their top business magazines are Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Wired, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Inc., The Economist, Consumer Reports, Adweek, and Fast Company.

Academic Work

  • According to a study conducted by Dr. Christina Boedker in Australia for the Society for Knowledge Economics showed that when a leader could be empathetic and compassionate, then the organization was most profitable and productive. She based this on studying 5600 people across 77 organizations. She then defined compassionate leadership as "to understand people's motivators, hopes and difficulties and to create the right support mechanism to allow people to be as good as they can be". This is similar to what Google espouses in its leaders.
  • An article in the Journal of Management Studies (UK-based although articles from all over the world are accepted), a study that focused on leaderships in nascent teams (as with a startup) showed that an individual's tendency to suppress emotions was negatively correlated to their emergence as leaders, while their ability to reappraise emotions correlated positively to their leadership. The article contains numerous links and citations to articles on similar topics.

While early research has identified the top journals in the geographic locations of interest and within the categories of interest, as well as identified some interesting studies that may fulfill the objective, given the time limitations the team was unable to delve deeper into other studies that might support the research. This is reflected in the recommendations below.