Research Outline

Enteprise Mobility Customization Hypothesis Testing

Early Findings


To find data or case studies that support the hypothesis that custom enterprise mobility apps are more cost-effective at improving efficiency and have greater adoption by employees than off-the-shelf generic solutions.


  • A survey of 370 businesses that opted to build custom applications as against paying for a generic solution found that 91% reported productivity gain, with about half of the businesses reporting productivity gain of over 40%.
  • The study also found that about 72% of the companies had their apps up and running in less than 6 months.
  • The number of enterprises now building custom mobile apps increased from 60% in 2015 to 73% in 2016, which suggests that enterprise believe custom building mobility solution is more cost effective and efficient.
  • We also found a couple of data that offers caution. A Mckinsey Survey of IT executives found that large IT projects ran above budget 45% of the time.
  • The budget overrun for high-impact projects is generally between 200% and 400%. An earlier study by Harvard Business Review found that one out of every six large IT project falls into this category with high budget overruns.
  • The Mckinsey survey also found that planned projects often deliver 56% less value than expected, while 17% of projects end up so bad that they “threaten the very existence of the company.”
  • Apptentive argues that contrary to the belief that custom building apps pay for itself over time, the majority of software cost goes towards maintenance, not the initial development, and as such custom building mobility solutions is likely to have similar long-term cost as off-the-shelf generic solutions.