Research Outline

New Zealand Parties Environmental Stance


To find the environmental stances of 6 NZ minor parties:

Early Findings

TOP Party

  • The Opportunities Party (TOP) have a stance that the conomy should not grow at the expense of the environment.
  • The party wants to invest more in the environment.
  • Environmental policy proposals from the TOP include charging polluters for the environmental damage caused, protecting oceans, charging a $20 tourist tax, and improving river water cleanliness.
  • The TOP party is proposing to finance an afforestation program on erosion-prone lands.
  • They plan to release a whole climate change policy this month.

Social Credit

New Conservatives

  • The New Conservatives party is in favor of rejecting the ETS, as well as the Paris and Kyoto agreements.
  • Their environmental policies include reducing commercial fishing in some areas, and investing in R&D to tackle some pollution problems.
  • The party's stance on climate change is ambiguous.

Legalise Cannabis Party

The Mana Movement and Vision New Zealand.

  • These two parties do not have functioning websites, the Mana party page is not available and the Vision New Zealand party only has a Facebook page.
  • They do not seem to have specific environmental policies.