Research Outline

Market Research for IT Research Providers


To explore the next-generation IT research providing companies, identify major players, and provide market research in terms of the market size and growth. Also, research on legacy vendors in terms of market strategy, area of focus, financing activities, and market growth rate.

Early Findings

This preliminary research is aimed to devise a research strategy for the client's project. One hour was allocated to this research which was extended to an additional hour to explore market research on the 'IT research providers.' Unfortunately, no market information regarding market size or market growth was available. It is highly recommended to identify the exact keyword for the 'IT research providing industry.' In addition, the following information might serve as a groundwork for the Wonder researcher to explore further about this industry.

During one hour of research, the following key aspects have been identified which needed to be elaborated in a comprehensive research project.

Introduction to Technology Research Service Providers:

The technology research companies provide information to buyers of software/hardware to make an informed purchasing decision. This information is achieved from:
(i) technology analysts - having relationships with the technology vendors, provide deeper insight into technology tools.
(ii) crowdsourced - data recommendations based on user feedback.
(iii) surveys - technology research firms conduct phone or in-person surveys to speak to users to gain user feedback.

In order to qualify for Technology Research Services, a service provider must:
(i) Provide deep insight into technology's features and capabilities via market research reports.
(ii) Offer product comparison, rankings, and suggestions based on feedback information from users.
(iii) Help customers make better-informed decisions while purchasing hardware or software.

Key Players:

  • Based on G2 product scores, the top four technology research service providers include G2, Gartner, Forrester, and Expert Exchange. The G2 score is based on reviews gathered from the user community and online sources, and a unique algorithm is applied to this data to calculate the market satisfaction and market presence score in real-time.
  • A comparison of performance, scores, ratings, and entry-level pricing for the four main players can be found on this weblink.
  • Other market players include IDC (International Data Corporation), GigaOM, AppWiki, MyCloudBazaar, Nucleus Research, Ovum, Peer Insights.

Market Research Statistics:

  • The challenge is that direct information about market sizing cannot be found on market research websites when the following keywords have been used: 'technology research services,' 'technology research service providers,' 'IT research providers.'
  • Instead, market information about IT professional services, technology industry market, Global IT Services consulting industry was available. It is recommended to identify the exact key words related to the IT research providing industry. Please refer back to the client for more information regarding this industry.