Research Outline

US Unicorn Investment Targets


To identify privately-held "unicorn" companies whose shares might be currently selling at a discount in the secondary market because of COVID-19, but that are likely to experience a significant recovery in 1-2 years, after the pandemic subsides.

Early Findings

  • Sixty three out of 161 provided companies have been analyzed during the first hour of research. The findings are presented in the attached spreadsheet.
  • Each analyzed company has been labeled either "Yes", "No", or "Possibly" in column V of the spreadsheet, depending on a subjective analysis of its potential fit to the outlined investing strategy (investing in private companies that are experiencing difficulties in the short-term because of COVID-19, but that are expected to recover significantly after the pandemic passes).
  • The reasons for choosing a particular label, as well as additional notes, have been provided in column W of the attached spreadsheet. Please note that the comments are based on a subjective guess backed by intuition, experience, and basic research, as instructed.
  • Some companies have been marked with "???" in column V. Additional research is required to determine the potential effects of COVID-19 on the performance of these companies.