Research Outline

OS Canvas - Actionable Steps


To determine the actionable, tactical steps a company takes in relation to the OS Canvas.

Early Findings


  • This article provides examples of words and concepts used to transform the way organizations work. It also provides examples of where these concepts were applied and how. These examples fall under the category of structure (one of the 12 categories listed) which looks at "how [companies] organize and team; the anatomy of the organization; formal, informal, and value-creation networks."
  • An agile squad is a "way to organize people with multiple skill sets and functions around one product or problem". Spotify uses an agile squad model.
  • Spotify consists of tribes, chapters and guilds. Tribes are a collection of squads and Guilds are an overall topic anyone can join based on their interest and "new projects, initiatives, and products often emerge from the discussions that happen within the Guilds." Chapters consist of functional experts across squads, which allows experts in a discipline to gather, share lessons and offer support to each other.
  • Another definition provided is of self-organizing companies. "Self-organizing companies do not have traditional organizational charts or managerial hierarchies. Instead, all members and teams self-manage." VALVE is an example of such a company.
  • At VALVE, it is employees and not managers who decide what they work on by moving their desk (each employee's desk has wheels). Anyone "can propose a new project or product and its success is largely determined by whether other people at the company want to work on it."


  • This article discussed meeting styles another of the 12 categories listed which looks at "how [companies] convene and coordinate; the many ways members and teams come together." One of the meeting styles discussed is Kanban-style meetings.
  • The Kanban-style meetings come from Toyota's plants and are used to visualize a team's workflow. The team huddles around a physical or digital board which provides a visual overview of what is being worked on, who is working on it and where it is in the process. The team lead gives an overview of changes, members comment on their progress and bottlenecks and a selected member collects "bottlenecks and pain points that have emerged as next-step actions or new list items that are visible to all members."
  • The Ready uses this meeting style for all client projects.

Applying OS Canvas

  • In this podcast, Aaron Dignan, founder of the Ready, discussed two case examples where OS Canvas was applied to the organizational structure. The companies to which it was applied were not mentioned in the outline of the podcast.
  • In one case, the client's problem centered around speed and decision-making. This problem was linked to issues in their operating system. The Ready solved this by custom building meetings for them, changing their pay structure, feedback system and other areas of their operating system that were connected.